1.The Stompdown Experience will take place on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. Teams must arrive by 3:00 p.m. If you would like to obtain your team’s practice time slot, you must arrive at your scheduled time (Staff will provide you with a practice time slot). 2.Routines have 5 minutes for all acts, this includes entrance and exit. 3.Disparagement, slander of goods, booing (sounds uttered to show contempt, scorn, or disapproval) of other teams during the step show routines is prohibited. If your team is caught doing such activities, you will receive a 5-point unsportsmanlike conduct deduction. 4.Fire, pyro-techniques, fireworks, and weapons (unless approves by staff) are prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in automatic disqualification. If you have any question about your props please ask the staff, prior to the show. 5.If your team music, video, special lighting will be coordinator with our Technical Director and Stage Manager prior to show date. 6.On the day of the show, all teams and members MUST arrive at the venue by 3:00 p.m. ALL members must be present, at the time specified for a head count of each team member. Only the performing individuals listed on the registration form will be admitted without paying (NO EXCEPTIONS). Teams in this competition are limited to a maximum of 25 members, at a time, on the stage. 7.Props must be assembled in 2 minutes; and removed within 1 minute. 8.The winners of The Stompdown Experience Step Show will receive all prizes on the night of the show; Monetary Prizes will be in the form of Checks made payable to the Name of the Tea or Persons on the Registration Packet. 9.Trophies, certificates, and any other prizes will be awarded on the night of the step show. If there is a tie, the scores from Difficulty, Creativity, and Synchronization will be recalculated to decide the winner. If there is still a tie, the Step Show Commissioner will decide the winner. THE COMMISSIONER’SDECISION WILL BE FINAL!!! 10.The Team Score Sheets with comments will be provided to the team following the Step Show. 11.Anyone caught attempting to sneak persons, alcohol, drugs, or other contraband into the show will cause their team to be automatically disqualified and forfeited from the competition. Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Zero tolerance will be in effect; you will be reported and Arrested!!!!! 12. The staff, volunteers and crew of The Stompdown Experience, will not be liable for any harm to any participant, dancer or stepper during their performance in the show. 13. The staff, volunteers, and crew of The Stompdown Experience will not be liable for lost or damage to any team member’s personal property. 14.The Step Team assumes all risk in its performance of all activities authorized by this agreement and is responsible for all actions whatsoever committed by your team that may cause harm or injury to persons or property. 15.The step show registration form, contract, and fees are due no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday March 15, 2022.